Reading on the Radio: THE TWELVE POUND LOOK by J.M. Barrie

Mendocino Theatre Company’s “Reading on the Radio” continues on June 30th with the a reading of J.M. Barrie’s one-act play THE TWELVE POUND LOOK. Directed by Lorry Lepaule, this biting comic satire from the author of Peter Pan features Dan Kozloff, Susan Maeder, and Laura Pinyuh.
On the Radio: YOUTH VOICES

Our final Reading on the Radio of 2021 features the voices of six talented local students, ages 12 to 16: Maitreya Tindall, Frey Barty, Phannarai Inkun, Angelino Martinez and two members of our Youth Advisory Group, local high school students Sara Rose & Katan Sosnovec.

In this 2-day workshop, students will learn how to write and perform a 1-3 minute monologue, short play, poem, or essay for the radio. Each piece created in the workshop will appear on the Mendocino Theatre Company’s December 30th broadcast of READING ON THE RADIO on local community radio station KZYX. The pieces will be recorded live […]