Six Saturdays, beginning 2/15/20
For actors ages 12 – 18
All Skill Levels Welcome
This drop-in class is and introduction and practice of Dan’s Basic Acting Skills, appropriate for all skill levels. Dan uses a step-by-step method and very clear concepts to teach actors how to translate words on a page into convincingly real and entertainingly expressive behavior.
The workshop is limited to 16 participants. It is recommended that you sign up in advance below.
There is no fee for the class; MTC offers this class to serve the community and to build up its pool of skilled young actors. A donation bowl will be set up in the classroom for those who wish to contribute; $10 donation per class is suggested.
Some students may be invited to join the 4/25/20 adult class
Held at the Community Center of Mendocino in the MTC rehearsal room.