Linklater Voice Workshop Pt. 2

  • Taught By: Kimberly White
  • For Ages: Adults
  • Sessions: Sat, Jan 20, 10am-5pm & Sun, Jan 21, 10am-1pm


Sat, Jan 20 2024


2-Day Event: Sat 10am-5pm / Sun 10am-1pm
10:00 AM - 5:00 PM


Adult Class




Stevenson Studio @Mendo Art Center

To Free the Voice is to Free the Person.

DESCRIPTION: This workshop will include a review of the work covered in May (you don’t need to have taken that workshop) and introduce you to the next section of the Linklater Progression

CHANNEL & RANGE: We will work on specific areas that hold tension and diminish our expressiveness and deep connection to ourselves, our text, and to others

INSTRUCTOR:  Kimberly White (she/her/hers) has lead voice workshops for the last twenty five years. Credits include:  Actor & voice/text coach at Seattle Shakespeare Company & Maryland, Sun Valley, Lake Tahoe Shakespeare Festivals and at Shakespeare & Company. Internationally she has taught and coached in S. Korea, the Czech Republic, Mexico, and Scotland. She has lead workshops on Lamentation and explored its’ application in Shakespeare. Kimberly is currently adjunct faculty Seattle U.

Feel free to call or email me with questions:  / 206-251-0761

WHAT IS LINKLATER VOICE? Kristin Linklater was a master voice teacher and a leading expert in the field of training the speaking voice. Her books, Freeing the Natural Voice and Freeing Shakespeare’s Voice are the most widely used text by theatre training programs and are also used by speaking professionals everywhere. The Linklater Voice progression is practical, imaginative and organic. Her unique method assumes we all were born with free voices and that accumulated habits of tension and constriction inhibit our voice and expression. The work takes you through a series of step-by-step practical exercises to help you release tension and develop your natural voice and freedom of expression. More info:

 Saturday, Jan 20th – 10-5, Sunday, Jan 21st -10-1