The Glass Menagerie – Auditions
- BY: Tennessee Williams
- DIRECTED BY: John Craven
- SHOW DATES: 05/01/2025 - 06/01/2025
- PREVIEW DATES: 05/01/2025, 05/02/2025
- For Ages: All ages welcome
- Callbacks: TBA
In memory, everything seems to happen to music.
Set in St. Louis, Missouri in the late 1930’s on the cusp of WWII, The Glass Menagerie is considered by many critics to be Tennessee Williams’ finest drama. Part fiction, part autobiography, The Glass Menagerie follows the story of a family displaced from their gentile agrarian past and facing the challenges of a 20th Century industrial world. It is a timeless tale about the stages in life where one is initiated into the greater reality of the world, the enduring power of familial love, and the sacrifices it takes for children to move on.
Character Descriptions
Tom Wingfield – A man of indeterminate age, who is the narrator of the play and a character in it, as he assumes the role of his younger self at times. (Age range – 30s – 40s)
Amanda Wingfield – Mother and matriarch of the Wingfield family. A single woman and relic of a forgotten, gentile society, she struggles to find security for her daughter. Age Range (50s to early 60s)
Laura Wingfield – Amanda’s daughter who fast becoming a wallflower, she is shy, and afflicted with a limp. She lives in an imaginary world of glass animals. (Age – 24)
Jim – A gentleman caller who is a friend of Tom’s and works with him at the factory. He is charming. (Age range mid 20’s – mid 30’s)